Worried about UPSC IAS/IFoS Mathematics Preparation?
Score 350+ Marks in Maths Optional under the Guidance of K. Venkanna Sir

Score 350+ Marks in Maths Optional under the Guidance of K. Venkanna Sir
With the emerging opportunities in the field of science and Tech, the importance of mathematics has become indispensable. Now-a-days mathematics is in use some way or the other in almost all dimensions of the human creativity.
The increasing popularity of the said subject and its application has changed the system in manifold ways. Not with standing these positive aspects one thing that hampers the students which we call lack of guidance. The aspirants are the worst suffers of these short-comings.
With the ever-expanding opportunies in the realm of science andtechnology, mathemacs has taken on an indispensable role. Nowadays, mathemacs is intertwined in myriad facets of human creavity.
The surging prominence of this discipline and its praccal applicaon hasrevoluonized the landscape in numerous ways. Nevertheless, amidst theseencouraging developments, a significant obstacle persists: the dearth ofguidance. Aspirants bear the brunt of these deficiencies.”Our aim is to mentor and empower aspirants, not just provide educaon.
K. Venkanna
Director, IMS (Instute of Mathemacal Sciences)
Only Institute in India Covering Entire Syllabus and Giving Complete Exam Oriented Ready to Write Study Material
Check out the most popular frequently asked questions by our students
Candidates who have an interest in Maths and have studied it in their graduation can opt to take Maths as their optional subject. Only candidates that have some academic background in mathematics should consider choosing Maths as it is a technical subject. Most of the syllabus is static so you don’t have to link it with current affairs. Also, since it is objective in nature, it is extremely scoring.
Yes, UPSC maths allow optional calculator. you can carry your non-programable calculator inside examination for both paper 1 and paper 2.
yes we have step marking in maths optional. even if your not getting right answer and you have done it with decent procedure with proper steps then finally you can loose 1/2 or 1 marks depends of what kind of mistakes you have done it the Mains Maths Optional Paper inside examination hall. You can avoid these type of silly mistakes by practicing more questions on our upsc maths optional test series program.
It is not possible for student level until and unless you are continuously topper in IIT or Gold Medalist in M.Sc. Mathematics. Coaching is necessary as far as Maths Optional is concerned. If you have any plans for 4 to 5years then coaching is not necessary for Maths Optional. you can study on your own. But If you want to crack this exam with your 1 or 2 attempts then no vaible option left for you other than joining IMS UPSC Maths Optional Coaching.
Yes, We have Maths Optional in UPSC. Choosing Maths Optional in UPSC is one of the best decisions in our life. No doubt Maths Optional has been the highest-scoring optional in UPSC, IAS, and CSE-Civil Service Mains Examinations since its inception.
There are many rumors in the market related to UPSC Maths Optional. Also, no good teacher in the market can teach the whole 13 modules of UPSC Maths Optional Syllabus other than K Venkanna Sir.
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