Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Mathematics
Director’s Message About the examination: With the emerging opportunities in the field of Science and Tech, the importance of mathematics has become indispensable. Now-a-days mathematics is in use some way or the other in almost all dimensions of the human creativity. The increasing popularity of this subject and its application has been impacting the entire system in manifold ways. In spite of all these positive aspects, there is one aspect of this subject as well that has been hampering the entire chunk of students badly. That aspect is due to the lack of guidance for which the most of the aspirants are the worst sufferers.
After spending many years mentoring the students of IAS aspirants for mathematics optional, I realized that a huge sections of students who are preparing for other competitive examinations like CSIR-NET, GATE and many more are deprived of my guidance and they are the victims of low-standard institutes. These institutes being not at par give guidance surfacely and instead of catering the actual need and the requirement of the examination, they are making it, the years plan resulting in the great loss of precious time and money of the aspirants. IMS institute takes the initiative to cater the needs of the aspirants appearing in CSIR-NET and GATE examinations. Our multi-dimensional approaches do help the students to click their goals in just one shot.
Students are cordially invited to join this course and can see the difference, this difference is not only in teaching style, but also in study materials too. IMS guarantees success with the difference.
“We aim to train rather than just educate.”
“It is not one of the Institute.
It is the only Institute.
Don’t take a chance
Go Grab Your Opportunity”
IMS(Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Thanks All the best
K. Venkanna, Director
IMS (Institute of Mathematical Sciences)